Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lesson- Illustration Friday 4/29/11

"The Swim Lesson" - Acyclic and Enamel on vintage textbook paper.

Well I managed to get this one in the proper category. Anyway... I use to work in an office beside a city pool. While pool rules did not allow floaties inside, kids would always come to the gate with all sorts of the goggles and floating devices on, and a parent would have to return all that stuff to the car. I always imagined what would happen if the kids got past the gate and waited poolside in their silly garb for a swim lesson, so here is one all dressed up and ready for her 3pm lesson.


  1. aah bless, I really feel for her! Charming illustration :)

  2. hee hee! Love her whole outfit, and the bathing cap! cute

  3. Charming! And that bathing cap is just too adorable!

  4. Wonderful expression on the little girl and i totally love her rubber swimming cap with the flowers. I used to have one of those when i was a kid!

  5. I like how the print from the textbook paper shows through. Great colors too!

  6. Amazing work! Love the expressions and your diverse use of mediums.

  7. This is really cute, and a great story behind it!

  8. I love her little stance... Watching little kids try to awkwardly juggle all of their ridiculous toys beside the pool is adorable.

  9. How cute, you have captured her beautifully, all excited and ready to go.
