Thursday, January 14, 2010

"If it's meant to be. It's up to me"

I believe that I can make a living in the creative field. I have been successfully creating books for small publishers on a part time basis since 2008, and since college I have had a few smaller illustration jobs. It has been 7 years since college and it is 4 years after grad school, but 2010 marks the year that by January 1, I had signed 4 contracts for books. All those contracts have completion dates due before July. That's not a bad living, it's not a great one, but it's good. After much hemming and hawing, I decided to resign from my cushy-full-time -benifited-city-government-job as a Facility Supervisor. It was a good position and good benefits, but it was not for me. Totally not my passion and a case of the grass is not greener.

I have the drive and determination needed to make it in the creative field. I will knock on publishers doors and be persistent, until they see me even if it's just so I'll stop knocking on their door and go away. I have to admit I'm not 100% confident in my style, but I'm not waiting around until I'm better. I am going to get myself out there now. I have made every excuse to not be a freelance illustrator "I'll be broke for too long", " My work isn't up to par", "The economy sucks" and "I have no time", plus a few others. Well I have time now. I'm changing my whole life. Now IS the time. Time to seek bigger publishers. I have compiled lists for mailing, sketches for new portfolio pieces. I need time now, and time is exactly what I will have starting January 29th... well sort of.

On February 6th, I am moving from Richmond to Crockett, a 15 minute drive and $400 a month savings. So that first week of my new life will include packing, moving and unpacking. Something I hope my friends can help me with. Who doesn't like to unpack other people's stuff? I know I love to do that. I'll need all the help I can get.
For 2 years while I was in the process of reaching this point, not the moving part but the dream career part, I had a full time job, freelance design commitments, and a ton of personal and family commitments. Nothing could stop me, and I'm glad it has brought me to this point. I HAD to do this. I had to resign for that cushy job, for my boyfriend, friends, family and my own sanity. On February 1st, I will be a Full- Time Illustrator.

I'll be updating this blog with projects I'm working on, how I market, and more of my general insanity regarding following my dream. So stick around, buckle your selt belt because we are in for a wild ride.

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